Reasons to Visit

Reasons to Visit
There are many churches in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Here are a few reasons to consider visiting us:

1. We Offer You A Fresh Start.

Many of us wish we had the opportunity to make a fresh start- to discover  a place where we are accepted and can develop and grow. Perhaps you went  to church in the past and have gotten out of the habit. Perhaps you are   new to our community and are looking for a new church home. Perhaps you've been seeking a fellowship of like-minded believers. Forest Park Bible Church is ready to assist you in that fresh start. You will find people like yourself who want to experience God's grace, grow spiritually, and  discover the precious life-changing promises revealed in the Scriptures.

2. We Will Teach You God's Word.

We are first and foremost a Bible-teaching church. All of  our ministries are designed to glorify God by increasing the knowledge and application of God's Word in the lives of His people and to lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Believing that the Scriptures are sufficient to make people wise unto salvation and to equip them to live in a way that reflects God's glory, we teach the Bible verse-by-verse.

3. We Offer You Genuine Christian Fellowship.

We love each other and we will love you too! We believe the church should be a haven- a place of peace, and harmony. We strive to achieve ongoing Biblical fellowship- caring for one another, meeting one another's needs, praying for one another and considering how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.

4. We Offer You Christ-Exalting Corporate Worship

We sing a blend of traditional and contemporary worship music designed to engage your mind and warm your heart. We want Jesus, not our musical performance or musicians, to be the focus of our worship. We strive for an atmosphere that combines our reverence for God with our joy and excitement about the reality of His grace in our lives. 

5. We Will Minister To Your Entire Family.

We want to minister to people of all ages. It is our desire to be a multi-generational congregation. We want to do what we can to help you to grow wherever you are in life, whether you are married or single, whether you are retired or just starting out.  We are devoted to helping parents raise their children in the nurture and admonistion of the Lord. We want to do everything we can to help parents give their children the Bible teaching  and discipleship they need.

6. We Can Help You To Be Involved In Ministry.

We believe that every Christian should be involved in ministry. Therefore, we will help you discover your spiritual gifts and then give you  opportunities to put them into action.